Internet of Things: Backbone For Home Automation and Controls In Developing Countries

  • 24 Aug 2022 06:35
  • 204
Internet of Things: Backbone For Home Automation and Controls In Developing Countries

Once a dream, home automation is gradually becoming a part of daily lives across the world. With a simple push of a button, automation and control items around the house have enhanced the standard of life. From setting up a lamp to surveillance cameras all automated. Home automation is a simple and reliable procedure that not only assists to maintain a good lifestyle but also is an investment of time and money. Moreover, the demand for home automation has certainly increased due to the unsolicited arrival of the pandemic. The novel coronavirus pandemic has impacted almost every industry and is still wreaking havoc on the lifestyles of people. Businesses have halted and employees are advised to stay home in order to curb the spread of the virus. However, the adoption of automation has increased during the pandemic, as it aid to maintain social distancing. The demand for automated services has witnessed to be grown. Nevertheless, due to the stringent regulations amid COVID-19 the manufacturing and supply chain processes have been halted in several regions. Whereas, government bodies in several other regions have given a nod to the industries for restarting their businesses, to stabilize in terms of revenue.  The automation system aids with increased safety and convenience via controlling lighting and other applications, securing houses using automated door locks, and augmenting convenience through temperature adjustment. The rise in awareness regarding energy conservation and the ability to manage the consumption of energy through automation technology have increased the adoption of home automation. Also, smartphone-driven solutions have further attracted people toward home automation. Moreover, the social distancing issued by health organizations to curb the spread of coronavirus has been another factor to adopt automation during COVID-19. These factors are leading the market growth globally. According to a report global home automation and control is anticipated to grow at a significant rate in the coming years.  Home Automation and Controls Followed by the relaxations in restrictions and owing to the rise in demand for home automation, the market players are focusing to provide the latest solutions offering improved convenience. The key market players are adopting several strategies including new launches and collaboration to offer the best services to their customers.  The market is getting prospered with new launches. Recently, Nuos Home Automation, a leading service provider, launched an infrared touch-less thermal scanner for detecting a person with high body temperature. The wall-mounted scanner is not only designed to detect body temperature but to restrict the entrance for people with high temperatures. The output generated by the device is used to control the automated door. Moreover, the scanner is designed in a way to assist during Covid-19. Another leading technology company, Van top Technology, and Innovations have collaborated with its sister brand Kyvol, a home automation services provider to expand its smart tech range into home automation. The collaboration has launched Kyvol’s three Cybovac models of robotic vacuum cleaners E20, E30, and E31. The models are entry-level and combine smart navigation with drone technology, powerful suction, and long battery life. Automation has completely transformed lifestyles. Owing to the convenience and suitability offered by the technology, the market has witnessed wide adoption in recent years. The growing demand for automation is leading the market growth. In addition, the initiatives and strategic steps taken by the key market players are contributing to the growth. Nevertheless, with further advancements and innovative launches, the market is anticipated to grow exponentially.

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Steve McConnell By, Steve McConnell

Steve McConnell discovered his passion for technology early in his life when he bought his first Nintendo (NES). After spending hours experimenting with cartridges, he finally got inspired and began disassembling and rebuilding any that didn't work. Steve began playing online PC gaming after he quit console gaming. He was a passionate gamer and a problem-solver, which led him to create his own computers.
Steve brings curiosity, critical eyes, problem-solving skills, and persistence to US Best Gear as a tester. Steve is a tech nut who loves to keep up with the latest technology, from electric toothbrushes and electric skateboards to fitness trackers and sewing machines.

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